Prof. dr. Jules van den Bosch symposium XIII
'Integrating science into ILD Care'
Jaarlijks organiseert het St. Antonius ILD Expertisecentrum een symposium voor zorgprofessionals en wetenschappers. Dit jaar is het thema 'Integrating science into ILD care'.
Program (in English)
09.00-09.30 uur Registration
Pulmony fibrosis
09.30-10.10 uur Early pulmonary fibrosis: a guidance in the era of interstitial lung abnormalities
Sara Tomassetti, MD, Associate professor of pulmonary medicine, Careggi University Hospital, Florence
10.10-10.50 uur Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis; lessons from a decade of science
Gisli Jenkins, MD, PhD, NIHR Research professor
Margaret Turner Warwick Chair of Thoracic Medicine / Imperial College London, London
10.50-11.10 uur Coffee / tea break
11.10-11.40 uur Genetics in pulmonary fibrosis; telomere biology in clinical practice
Coline van Moorsel, PhD, Head ILD Research and R&D Pulmonology, St. Antonius ILD Center of Excellence, Nieuwegein
11.40-12.30 uur Case 1
12.30 -13.30 uur Lunch
13.30-14.10 uur Granuloma biology sarcoidosis treatment; from mice to man
Thomas Weichhart, PhD, Associate professor Center for Pathobiochemistry and Genetics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna
14.10-14.40 uur Predicting treatment response in pulmonary sarcoidosis; the hidden agenda of the PREDMETH trial
Marcel Veltkamp, MD, PhD, Pulmonologist, St. Antonius ILD Center of Excellence, Nieuwegein
14.40-15.00 uur Coffee / tea break
15.00-15.30 uur Feel, function and inflammation: the use of FDG-PET in pulmonary, cardiac and Neuro sarcoidosis
Jan Grutters, MD, PhD, Professor Utrecht University / pulmonologist, St. Antonius ILD Center of Excellence, Nieuwegein
Ruth Keijsers, MD, PhD, Nuclear medicine physician, St. Antonius ILD Center of Excellence, Nieuwegein
15.30-16.20 uur Case 2
16.20-16.30 uur Take home messages
16.30-17.00 uur Drink & Snack
Praktische informatie
St. Antonius Ziekenhuis - Locatie Woerden
Polanerbaan 2
3447 GN Woerden
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