Weber A / Avulsion fracture ankle
You have a fracture of the ankle (weber A) or a small loose fragment of one of the bones in your ankle (avulsion fracture).
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- You have a fracture of the ankle or a small ‘pull-off’ fragment of one of the bones in your foot.
- This type of injury almost always heals well without any loss of function.
- A routine follow-up is not necessary for this type of injury.
- It is important that you keep your ankle elevated as much as possible during the first week, this will reduce the swelling.
- Wear the brace as soon as the swelling has sufficiently decreased. After three weeks, try wearing the brace less often, if your pain allows you to do this.
- You can find exercises for your ankle in this information or in our Virtual Fracture Care app in the App store (iPhone) or Google Store (Android).
- If you have any questions, or are experiencing problems with your recovery, you can call the 'Breuklijn' (fracture hotline) on workdays between 10.00-12.00.
A Weber A or avulsion fracture of the ankle is a common injury. The fracture is treated with a tubigrip (a special sock to reduce swelling) and an ankle brace. You can rent crutches at the hospital.
0-1 week |
1-3 weeks |
3-6 weeks |
After 6 weeks |
Follow these instructions for a good recovery.
- You can combine wearing the ankle brace and a sturdy shoe, for example a shoe used for hiking.
- You can stand on the foot as long as the pain allows you to do this.
- You can find instructions on how to put on the brace in our Virtual Fracture Care app and/or in this video.
- After 3 weeks, try wearing the brace less often.
- It is important to elevate your ankle. Does the brace feel more tight? Elevate the ankle, for example, by putting it on a chair. The swelling will reduce, and the pressure and pain will decrease.
- The fracture is close to the joint. Start moving the ankle as soon as possible, to prevent the ankle from getting stiff. You can find the exercises in our app and/or in this information. It is important not to do the exercises if your pain does not allow this.
- For the first 6 weeks, you should not practice any sports. After 6 weeks, you may start sports if your pain allows you to do this. You can wear a brace during sports if necessary.
- Are you in pain? Use a mild pain killer, for example paracetamol. Do not wait with the use of acetaminophen until the pain is too much.
- This type of injury almost always heals well with time and use - no specific treatment is required and therefore routine follow-up is not necessary.
- Physiotherapy is not necessary. If you are not satisfied with the function of your ankle after 6 weeks, you can contact a physiotherapist. The app contains exercises to recover better.
- Does the pain increase, or does it not improve? Please contact the 'Breuklijn' (fracture hotline). See also the information at te bottom of this page.
Reapply the brace
If you want to reapply the brace, you can find instructions in this video and in the Virtual Fracture Care app to do so.
After a fracture of your ankle, stiffness, loss of strength and loss of coordination may occur. The following exercises can be performed to support your recovery.
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When to start and what to do
You can start doing exercises after four weeks. Start with non-weight bearing exercises. This means that you perform exercises without standing on your foot. When you are able to successfully perform these exercises, you can start with weight-bearing exercises. Only exercise as pain allows.
Follow the instructions below:
- Practice at least 3 times a day and repeat each exercise 10 times.
- you can perform the exercises in warm water if preferred.
Non-weight bearing exercises
Non-weight bearing exercises can be divided into passive and active exercises. Start with the passive exercises and then continue with the active exercises.
- Passive exercises: bend, straighten and move the ankle with your hands.
- Active exercises: without using your hands, tighten the calf and foot muscles, bend, straigthen and move the ankle in all directions.
Weight bearing exercises
Weight bearing exercises can also be divided into passive and active exercises. Again, start with the passive exercises and then continue with the active exercises.
- Passive exercises: sit down and do the stretching exercises using your body weight (as shown in the video in the Virtual Fracture Care app).
- Active exercises: stand up and do the stretching exercises using your body weight (as shown in the video in the Virtual Fracture Care app).
Other exercises
It is important to practice standing correctly on the affected leg, as pain allows. Walking starts with being able to stand on one leg. Also try to use the ankle as normally as possible again, as pain allows. Every step you take is a step closer to a normal gait.
Virtual Fracture Care app
In our Virtual Fracture Care app, you can find more information about your injury. You can also find exercises here to improve your recovery. You can find the app in the Appstore (iPhone) and in the Google Store (Android). You can also scan the QR-code, automatically you will be transferred to the app.

Questions? Pleas call 'Breuklijn'
If there are any questions after reading this information, please call the 'Breuklijn' (fracture hotline) on workdays between 10.00-12.00.