Spoke-wheel injury (children)
This kind of injury occurs when lower limbs get stuck in between spokes, frequently those of a bicycle. We did not see a fracture on the X-ray and there is no deep wound. A spoke-wheel injury is treated with a pressure bandage.
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- Your child has a spoke-wheel injury of the foot.
- We did not see a fracture on the X-ray and there is no deep wound.
- A routine follow-up is not necessary for this type of injury.
- After 3 days, you can remove the band-aid and the pressure bandage.
- Thereafter, clean the wound every day by rinsing it in the shower until it has healed.
- You can find instructions on how to reapply the pressure bandage in this information and in our Virtual Fracture Care app in the App store (iPhone) or Google Store (Android).
- If you have any questions, or are experiencing problems with your recovery, you can call the 'Breuklijn' (fracture hotline) on workdays between 10.00-12.00.
A spoke-wheel injury is common in The Netherlands. Your child will be treated with a band-aid and a pressure bandage.
0-3 days |
After 3 days |
Follow these instructions for a good recovery.
- After 3 days, you can remove the band-aid and the pressure bandage.
- Your child can walk as soon as your child’s pain allows.
- When the pressure bandage is loose, you can replace this with a tubigrip. A tubigrip looks like a sock. Most likely, you will get one during your visit at the emergency department. You can also buy one at the pharmacy. Your child should not wear the tubigrip at night.
- At night, you can place a pillow underneath the foot to elevate it and thereby reduce swelling.
- Is your child in pain? Use a mild pain killer such as acetaminophen. Do not wait with the use of acetaminophen until your child’s pain is too much.
Instructions for the wound after 3 days
- Clean the wound every day, preferably in the shower. Continue cleaning the wound until it is closed. Put a new band-aid on the wound when necessary.
- Is the wound red and does the redness increase? Please contact our 'Breuklijn' (fracture hotline) See below.
- This type of injury almost always heals well with time and use.
- No specific treatment is required and routine follow-up is unnecessary.
- Does the pain persist, or the wound does not heal? Please contact the 'Breuklijn' (fracture hotline). See below. We will make an appointment if required.
Reapply the pressure bandage
You can find in this video instructions on how to reapply the pressure bandage. You can buy new materials at a pharmacy or reuse the materials from the emergency department.
It is important that your child moves the foot and ankle as soon as your child’s pain allows. Specific exercises are not necessary.
Virtual Fracture Care app
In our Virtual Fracture Care app, you can find more information about your injury. You can also find exercises here to improve your recovery. You can find the app in the Appstore (iPhone) and in the Google Store (Android). You can also scan the QR-code, automatically you will be transferred to the app.

Questions? Please call the 'Breuklijn'
If there are any questions after reading this information, please call the 'Breuklijn' (fracture hotline) on workdays between 10.00-12.00.